



(revised 1 June 2020)


1. Name

1.1. The name of this organization shall be the Canadian Association for Teacher Education (CATE)/Association canadienne pour la formation des enseignants (Acfe) referred to hereafter as the association.


2. Objectives

2.1. To encourage scholarly study and research in education, with special emphasis on teacher education.

2.2. To provide for the membership a national forum for the presentation and discussion of significant studies in education, with special emphasis on teacher education.

2.3. To encourage the publication of papers and reports of scholarly work in teacher education.

2.4. To form professional association with other national and international organizations with similar objectives.

3. General Organization

3.1. The Association shall hold an annual general meeting as part of the annual conference of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education/Société canadienne pour l’étude de l’éducation.

3.2. The Association shall conduct its business without purpose of gain for its members, and any profits or other accretions to the Association shall be used in promoting its objectives.

3.3. In the event of the dissolution of the Association, all its remaining assets, after payment of liabilities, shall be distributed to one or more charitable organizations in Canada which are recognized by the Canada Customs and Revenue Agency.


4. Membership

4.1. Members of the Association are full members of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education/Société canadienne pour l’étude de l’éducation.

4.2. All applications for membership shall be made through the office of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education /Société canadienne pour l’étude de l’éducation to the Secretary-Treasurer of the Association.

4.3. All members of the Association, in good standing, shall have the privilege of:

– Voting at the annual general meeting or through mail or electronic ballots;

– Nominating members for office in the Association;

– Standing for office in the Association;

– Benefiting from the services of the Association.

4.4. The amount of annual dues shall be determined from time to time by the membership at the annual general meeting, and in accordance with the policies of other Associations within the Canadian Society for the Study of Education/Société canadienne pour l’étude de l’éducation.

4.5. The membership year shall be the same as that adopted by the Canadian Society for the Study of Education/ Société canadienne pour l’étude de l’éducation.

4.6. Upon recommendation of the Executive Committee and approval by a majority vote of the members in good standing present at the annual general meeting of the Association, an organization may affiliate with this Association for the purpose of furthering the objectives of the Association as outlined in Section 2.


5. Officers and Executive Committee

5.1. The Officers of the Association shall be the Past President, the President, the Vice-President, the Secretary-Treasurer, two Communications Directors, two Graduate Student Representatives and three Members-at-Large, one of whom is Francophone.

5.2. The Executive Committee shall consist of the Officers of the Association.

5.3. The Executive Committee shall implement the Constitution and policies of the Association and shall be empowered to act for the Association between its meetings.

5.4. The Vice-President shall be elected by mail or electronic ballot prior to the annual general meeting of the Association or at the annual general meeting and shall hold office for two years. After this two-year term, the Vice-President shall automatically become President for a two-year term. In the case that the Vice-President does not move into the President position for any reason, the Executive Committee may appoint a member in good standing of the Association to the position for the remaining time until the next annual general meeting, by which time an election shall be held for a new Vice-President and a President in accordance to the election rules set out in this constitution and both shall hold office for two years.

5.5. The Secretary-Treasurer shall be elected by mail or electronic ballot prior to the annual general meeting of the Association or at the annual general meeting and shall hold office for two years.

5.6. The two Communications Directors shall be elected by mail or electronic ballot prior to the annual general meeting of the Association or at the annual general meeting and shall hold office for two years, completing their terms in alternating years.

5.7. The Graduate Student Representatives shall be elected by mail or electronic ballot prior to the annual general meeting of the Association or at the annual general meeting and shall hold office for two years.

5.8. The three Members-at-Large, one of whom shall be Francophone, shall be elected by mail or electronic ballot prior to the annual general meeting of the Association or at the annual general meeting and shall hold office for two-years, completing their terms in alternating years.

5.9. If between annual general meetings an officer position becomes vacant, the Executive Committee may appoint a member in good standing of the association to the position for the remaining time until the next annual general meeting, by which time an election shall be held in accordance to the appropriate sections of this constitution. This section does not apply to the position of the President.


6. Duties of the Officers of the Executive Committee

6.1. The President shall preside over all meetings of the Executive Committee and of the Association, shall exercise general direction over the activities of the Association, and shall represent the Association in liaison with other organizations.

6.2. The Vice-President shall assume and perform the duties of the President in the event of the absence, incapacity, or resignation of the President. Should the Office of the President become vacant, the Vice-President shall become President immediately and shall serve the unexpired portion of the President’s term.

6.3. The Vice-President shall function as Program Chair for the CATE/ACFE component of the annual conference of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education/Société canadienne pour l’étude de l’éducation.

6.4. The Secretary-Treasurer shall have custody of and maintain the records of the Association, have custody of the funds of the Association, and shall confirm payments issued against the funds of the Association with the CSSE Director of administration who will issue cheques against the funds of the Association.

6.5. The Communications Directors shall be responsible for the updating and maintenance of the Association website and arranging conference call meetings of the CATE Executive Committee.

6.6 The Graduate Representative(s) shall be responsible for promoting CATE membership with graduate students.

6.7 The Members-at-Large shall support the work of the CATE Executive Committee.

6.8 The Executive Committee might assign additional duties to an office position as needed.


7. Amendments

7.1. This constitution may be amended by a majority vote of the members in good standing present at the annual general meeting of the Association or through mail or electronic ballot.

7.2. Notice of motion of proposed amendments must be distributed to the members in good standing of the Association six (6) days before the annual general meeting of the Association or, in the case of a mailed vote, six (6) days prior to the last date on which mail or electronic ballots will be accepted.

8. Regulations

8.1. The constitution shall be interpreted and amended in accordance with the constitution of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education/Société canadienne pour l’étude de l’éducation.