Annual Conference


Title:  Reflecting on the Particular, Challenging
the Ordinary, Envisioning the Possible

Dr Sharon Freisen,
Werklund School of Education,
University of Calgary


This presentation invites educators to reflect on some of the ordinary, stubborn particular moments of practice, as opportunities to ignite the social imagination, to envision alternative possibilities for teacher education. Sharon invites the audience to consider confronting the ordinary, the taken for granted, to entertain new possibilities.

Annual general meeting 2024

  1. CATE 2024 AGM Agenda
  2. CATE 2023 AGM DRAFT Minutes
  3. CATE President’s Report 2024
  4. CATE 2024 VP report
  5. Past-President’s Report AGM 2024
  6. CATE Financial and Membership report 2024
  7. CAARE Presidential Report 2024
  8. PHETE SIG Report 2023-2024
  9. S-STEP 2024 Report
  10. CAREC Annual Report 2023-2024
  11. Communications Report 2023-24
  12. Francophone member-at-large Report 2023-24
  13. Gradutate Student’s Report
  14. Report from TATE – CSSE 2023
  15. CATE Elections Candidates
  16. CJE Report
  17. AGM Motion on conference committee

Please click here to access our previous AGM Archive.